Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Movie Blast Fest 2012

Four years ago, in 2008, I made a two part (part 1 , part 2) posts on my blog about the summer movies. Summer Movie Blast Fest was called. In the summer of 2008 many big name movies came out Iron Man, Indiana Jones, Batman, Hulk etc., among other moves that proved to be summer fun, like Kung-Fu Panda and Wall-E. Yes, that is the idea of summer movies, blockbuster hits for a fun summer to just entertain people for two hours or so. The movies don't have to be long, or deep, just straight to the point fun to please an audience that wants a break of the world. After that year, I think it was in 2010 that the set of movies for that summer was good too, with movies like Iron Man 2, a new rendition of Robin Hood, Prince of Persia, The A-Team, Karate Kid, and other ones that were fun to watch. But I think that year wasn't strong enough compared to 2011 that had such big acts like -and starting with probably the best of last summer- Thor, Priest, Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Kung-Fu Panda 2, The Hangover 2, X-Men: First Class, Super 8 (great summer movie), Green Lantern, Cars 2, Transformers: Dark of the moon, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 2, Captain America: The First Avenger, Cowboys and Aliens, Conan The Barbarian, Rise of the Planet of The Apes, among other movies that aren't big names but were very good as well and just a great fit for the summer blockbuster list. I thought the summer of 2011 movies were the best since it had many of the elements for that season, action movies, superheroes (lots), kids in adventure, aliens, robots, sci-fi, comics, pirates, swords and fantasy, magic, funny road trip movies, 3D movies for children, revision of classics, etc. Yes, thinking about it, it was a great summer to go to the theaters. Now, this summer of 2012, we got some good movies cooking up for us to be served, and it started with probably one of the best superhero movies of all time... The Avengers.

The Avengers
Already seen this movie twice, and both times were as fun and didn't feel like... "Oh I know what happens already, get over it... I do not like this part... etc.", I actually felt like, well this movie is fun and it entertains, many people praise it, yet I do recognize there is some "slow" parts, but of course they are necessary to explain what is going on... since this movie use bits and pieces of from the movies of Thor, Captain America and Iron Man to build up the scenario for this one. I actually like that,I like how they were building up, 4 years ago, the theme for this movie, and how everything the heroes did in their independent superhero movies all clashed in this one. The movie is a perfect example of a good superhero action movie, it has good branding, great franchises, all together, perfect for many toys, posters, coolers, shirts, etc.

Dark Shadows
I don't know, maybe because it is an old show being revived, maybe cause I want to see how Johnny Depp does another character, or because I need a Addams Family style movie. Not sure, but I think is a good fit for summer, if not Halloween.

There can't be a summer of movie blockbuster without an alien movie. Since Independence Day, we had many movies that are very similar, army versus aliens, and having heroes within to promote patriotism. Movies like Battle Los Angeles, and Skyline, -very similar to Battle LA but it was really, really bad- etc., can't match Independence Day somehow, maybe it was Will Smith, but nonetheless I think it was because it was well executed and came out at the right time. Lots of special effects and nonsense, and of course guns and aliens, and total destruction. Fun.

Chernobyl Diaries
From the creator of Paranormal Activity, seems a good catch for this movie, since, Paranormal Activity, I consider is a really mind mess-er, that makes you be scared of simple things. I even did a post about this. The Paranormal Activity trilogy has lots of plot holes, yet it manages to scare people. The last one made me not sleep at all after watching it, literally. Anyways, Chernobyl diaries looks like a zombie movie to me, or something related, we need things like that for summer. Scary is good.

Men in Black 3
More aliens and Will Smith. Men in Black is not that bad, and this one might prove to be a summer fun flick. The third time is a charm?

Snow White and the Hunstman
We need Fantasy, so here we have this movie. We got the Thor guy Chris looking like a rugged version of his famous character along with that Twilight girl. The trailer reminds me of Harry Potter and LOTR. Might be fun, maybe the only of it's category for the summer.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
This is random and probably it is because I am not familiar with this movie's origins. Not sure if it's a comic book or graphic novel or what but seems fun. We got vampires and some one hunting them, in this case a past president.

Pixar always impress, I am ignoring Cars actually, but yes, they do good movies, and they know how to get to you, and awake that inner child in all of us. This movie involves vikings, I am fond of that, and it is a good change to have a "princess" girl as the hero. Really looking forward to this movie.

The Amazing Spider Man
When I heard about this movie the first time, it annoyed me, since it was like, why they making another spider man? Is it a remake? A a rewrite? -probably cause of Sam Raimi-, but either way... I think there is still plenty of the last Spider Man Trilogy around to throw this one in... but I can't say much same thing happened with Batman. Anyways kind of interested on this movie to see how they pull it off... hmm maybe they want to fit this with Avengers somehow?

The Dark Knight Rises
This Batman movie probably after The Avengers is the most anticipated movie for this summer, clearly shadowing Spider Man who a lot of people don't seem to care... -I think it needs more promotion or something-. Of course these Batman movies are a re-write of the Tim Burton ones and giving Batman a more dark edge and I also might say "realistic". A lot of good actors are involved, let's see what happens.

The Expendables 2
This movie is an actions hero fan's dream. Big name action actors all together, Commando, Rambo (together in a movie, Contra... geeks will understand), Chuck Norris, Van Damme making a comeback, and other action hero actors like Bruce Willis, etc. This movie, again is a perfect example of good summer blockbuster flick. Fun fact is that Stallone says superhero movies are vanishing action movies.... let's see if this movie proves wrong. This movie must be watched on steroids. There is many other movies worth seeing this summer, but this ones I think are that determine the Summer of 2012 Movie Blast Fest. Have fun.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Simple is a lot, and a lot proves to be simple.

Sometimes, simple things in life are more rewarding. For an example.. PACMAN.. the game is pretty simple, eat dots, avoid ghosts, eat pills, eat ghosts. Next level. That game is way more fun that some over $50 video games out there. Another example, you go to a night club and you see this zipper pant breaking woman on the bar.. you get close and your pants are useless already. When you see her she is full of MAKE UP does she looks pretty? MAYBE. More yes than no. Freaky? Probably. Unless you have a fetish with clowns. But the thing is she looks OK. But after some fun, she starts sweating, and the LOTS of make up starts running out her face, then, the next day under the sunlight that creeps its self through the window you will see something really interesting.. SURPRISE! You just fucked and over-aged woman (or under-age and guess what you are going to jail pedophile you). Or simply, she wasnt THAT GOOD LOOKING as you thought she was. The make up made magic. Sometimes the prettiest woman dont use make up AT ALL. Because they don't need it... tHey look natural, simple, pure beauty, not wearing LOTS of make up to cover their gravel face or whatever.

Now that you get the point hopefully, I want to say this, Paranormal Activity its a simple/GOOD horror movie. It uses special effects.. cheap ones.. BUt they work well for what it is. A lamp moving, a tv on static, things closing, shadows, footsteps... all can be done cheaply.. but the way it was executed it was perfect for waht it was... For some reason I like movies with less CG.

Paranormal Activity its a movie about this couple that they are documenting their haunting of a demon, specially to the woman. So the picture quality is camcorder type, so it all fits. The movie is not perfect, but it does scare the hell out of you with the most simple things you can imagine... its well done. It actaully left me thinking.. because thats something that could happen... no flashy things or special fx, just creepy things that move by themselves. A simple bang of the door, some keys falling, etc all those things are things that are more credible. That is why I liked the movie... it managed to scare people with simple things... I bet many hollywood people are pissed, spending their budget on crappy special effects and their movies are not box office material. That's fun.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I remeber 2 years ago... around this time, I wanted to start a blog, and that I did. Then, somehow I just started losing interest, but for some reason -I Think is the season- I am getting eager to write again.

Many things happend in my life since the last post, I went to LA on a roadtrip to San Francisco for a Flash Gamming Summit Conference, it was awesome, I loved California. Got even an offer in Zynga. When I came back to Puerto Rico, started dealing with some personal issues, then I went off again on a tour with my band to Europe for 2 weeks. We traveled to Madrid, Barcelona and many more places, staing in squat housed, friend houses, sleeping in the van, eating crappy food, playing hardocre shows, and many more things. It was awesome. Again when I came back everything changed, I moved to an ew apartment where I am about to move again.. Well many things, good and bad. I have this plan to start a new blog dedicated to old school gaming and hardcore records. Also, my game website got its 1st birth day with 26 original game under its belt. One of the games had over 16,700 unique players, thats awesome.

Well this summer movie wasn't that good as the last one, but I think I liked couple movies, UP was cool, Trasnformes made me uncomfortable, I almost pee'd my self in Hangover, District 9 was interesting, and well couple more that I can't recall right now.. oh yeah Terminator Salvation was probably my fave.

Good things to come. Gonna redo my website, people are complaining.

Keep it brutal.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

At the Flash gaming summit

Pretty good so far more details later on.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

testing from psp

gonna go to California in a couple hours

Friday, March 13, 2009

mobile post

At a conference killing time. Positive update? Gonna go to california next week for the flash gaming summit.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

World of Goo Soundtrack kicks ass and working on more games

Hello, gonna start blogging again more often... even if its just small posts.. who reads them anyways. The Soundtrack of World of Goo is fucking amazing, its really fun to listen too and its well produced. This soundtrack feels more like a movie than a game, it also reminds me Tim Burton's stuff, not sure.. but I can picture it on a movie of him. Download it here:

Also for this month I did a new game for the game website I did back in august, PH GAMING, look for it here: , the site is under the name of Primera Hora, but pretty much it stands alone with its own audience, the site on its first 3 monthas already had over +54,000 visits, and actually right now it might be doubled becuase of the christmas game that was released last month.
The new game available is called GREED, is pretty simple, but has some strategy and some psychological meaning to it, go to the website and play it.

Right now I am doing a Guitar Hero kind of game for an American Idol type of contest but in spanish, its coming out really good, ill keep posting about it.

See ya.